How Online Customer Reviews Impact Your Car Dealership

To succeed online, ever car dealer needs a steady flow of positive customer reviews.
Negative reviews are a bad influence on your dealership’s online reputation and search ranking.
To get more positive online reviews for your dealership, you need to know how to negotiate with customers and nudge them towards leaving reviews.
With more than 90% of prospective customers looking up reviews before deciding to contact a dealership, dealers really have no choice but to embrace customer reviews.
Almost 9 out of 10 customers who search the internet for businesses do focus on the brand’s online reputation.
Here are some pointers on how content marketing drives traffic to your car dealership.
Negative online reviews can be depressing and scary. However, there are to convert negative reviews into positive marketing strategy.
1: Increasing Number of Online Customer Reviews Driving as many positive reviews as possible needs to be the #1
“Social proof” is not just a marketing concept but a psychological experience.